After competing in MetLife: end of season thoughts
December 7, 2018
For those that missed the most anticipated game of SWMHS football history, Friday, November 23rd will remain a golden day for Sayreville.
The game took place on November 23rd in MetLife Stadium. Sitting down with Agustin Delvalle (12) the captain of the school’s football team, he provided insight into how much the game impacted him and his team.
“The game was insane,” he began, “I can’t describe it in words. It was kind of a miracle that we won.”
It was a miracle, indeed. Right down to the last few minutes, the score was 7-6, with Williamstown in the lead. However, right down to the wire, Connor Holmes (12) was able to score a touchdown, due to a player on the other team miraculously dropping the ball.
There was definitely a lot of Bomber spirit that day as well, as Sayreville’s side was filled with over 3,000 people.
“There was a lot of support. When we won, we cried,” Agustin laughed.
Playing football since the fourth grade, this is Agustin’s first and final year as captain. When asked if he was going to continue football in college, he said no. “I look at it as something to enjoy. I don’t see myself playing football after high school. But there are plenty of people on the team who stand out.”
He mentions Jayvis Rayside (11), Glenn Wright (11), and Mark Whitford (11), all players who stood out especially throughout the game.
“Before the game, we were all pretty sure we were going to lose,” Agustin said. “I actually walked into the game expecting to lose badly, but I think our hard work paid off. The whole team is thrilled that we won. It’s really monumental that we won.”
When asked about any final thoughts about the game, Agustin responded that there really was no better way to end his final year playing football at SWMHS.
“I’m going to be really upset when the season officially ends. But right now, I’ve been really enjoying this year and how far we’ve come.”