The Effects of COVID-19 in Sayreville
October 1, 2020
To put it in simple terms, 2020 could be considered “cursed” because of the events that have happened throughout the course of the year. These events have brought people devastation and fear as a result of natural disasters, violence, etc. One thing that continues to affect the lives of people around the world is the arrival of COVID-19, which has shown to impact even the smallest of towns: Sayreville.
Significant Life Changes
There is no question when it is said that COVID-19 has prominently changed the way that people currently lead their lives. Before the pandemic, people were able to take a walk outside, go to the store, or walk past someone that sneezed or coughed with no major worries in their minds. Now, “a mask has become a needed item. I have to worry whenever I go anywhere, and I have to take extra caution,” states Shriya Patel, a freshman at SWMHS. She adds that “a lot of parents have lost their jobs, as companies have shut down due to financial issues from the pandemic.” COVID-19 has definitely made life more difficult in which people have to adapt to new norms: putting on a mask, social distancing, and discovering alternatives to making money.
Virtual Learning
After great deliberation on the topic, the Sayreville district decided that it would be beneficial for students to attend school virtually for the duration of the first quarter. Many parents, guardians, and students were concerned about this decision because of how virtual school was operated during the spring of 2020.
However, after approximately four weeks of virtual instruction, many have eased into this new routine for school. In fact, many have found that there were pros to this type of learning during the pandemic. Senior Karanveer Panesar says: “An advantage of virtual learning is that students are able to dedicate more time towards learning the material and are now able to attend office hours for extra help.”
Despite this positive aspect of virtual learning, there are many disadvantages that come with it. It is seen that online instruction has been difficult in many areas, especially for teachers. Mrs. Kruh, a math teacher, explains that “it is not great that I have not met all my students yet in-person. By now, we would have gotten to know each other a little better, and I’d have names and faces memorized. I don’t even know what some of my students look like since the cameras are not required.” She adds that, “academic dishonesty is also a real issue. I found that many students no longer think of copying from another person or giving their work to another person as being academically dishonest.”
The Question of Returning to School
As of right now, some teachers at SWMHS are hopeful in the students returning to school in November during the second quarter, whether it be in a hybrid form or at full capacity. However, a handful of students and faculty members are not sure about this. For instance, junior Janelle Quarm remarks: “Personally, I think we are not going to school for some time because every time it seems like the air is clear, we hear that more people are getting COVID-19, therefore making it unsafe for us to attend school.” With these thoughts in mind, many students, such as senior Michelle Lee, hope that people in Sayreville will be able to return to school safely at the beginning of next year. Only time will tell on this subject.
The lives of many people, including Sayreville residents, have undoubtedly been turned upside down as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although times are difficult right now, it is imperative that people continue to practice hygiene, avoid attending large gatherings, social distance, and wear masks when going outside. Stay healthy and be safe, everyone!