Sayreville’s FBLA takes initiative in their community with Act for Alzheimer’s

Sayreville's FBLA takes initiative in their community with Act for Alzheimer's

Doris Lee, Editor

Alzheimer’s disease (otherwise referred to as senile dementia) is an illness that destroys mental functions and processes, including memory, due to the degeneration of synapses and brain cells. Although it is quite a prevalent and typical illness in society today, many individuals within numerous communities lack a critical understanding of Alzheimer’s due to its perceived mildness in comparison to other diseases. However, it is evident that Alzheimer’s does, in fact, possess a severe gravity that should be recognized.

As Jeffrey Kluger – a writer of the Times magazine and author of numerous published books – puts it: “Most illnesses attack the body; Alzheimer’s destroys the mind – and in the process, annihilates the very self.”

Noticing this issue, three juniors at Sayreville War Memorial High school – Ananya Kondur, Shreya Patel, and Kisha Shah – sought to take initiative through a project called Act for Alzheimer’s under the aspiration to increase awareness for the disease.

In addition to utilizing social media platforms to post information about their project, they also recently held two educational events that informed their audiences of the basics and often misconceptions of the disease. Everyone involved was happy to see that more than 35 people attended each event and the hashtag #actforalzheimersfbla has already been used by many people in the Sayreville community. All of the project leaders were happy and satisfied to see these successes and stated that this was only the start of their ever-growing efforts.

Currently, Act for Alzheimer’s is planning on implementing several fundraisers such as Bingo Night and “Daisies for Dementia” (selling daisies for $3 at the high school during the first week of February) in order to send these monetary donations to the Alzheimer’s Association.

In addition, future initiatives that are in the works include holding a webinar with Bradley F. Boeve of Mayo Clinic, attending the Tau2022 Global Conference held by the Alzheimer’s Association, and submitting a Congress initiative in order to urge better care plans for people diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer’s.

With these progressing efforts, Ananya Kondur – a project manager of Act for Alzheimer’s – voices her team’s aspirations: “One of my favorite authors, Jeannette Walls, writes in The Glass Castle that ‘one of the hardest things that one will have to do is grieve the loss of a person who is still alive.’ The Act for Alzheimer’s team takes this to heart, which is why we aim to educate the community on how to deal with dementia and Alzheimer’s so no one will ever have to experience losing their loved ones, both physically and mentally, to these two illnesses.”