Class of 2023 Seniors on Leaving Behind Extracurriculars

November 4, 2022
Graduating high school is a highly bittersweet experience from start to finish. While beginning a brand new chapter of life and independence can be exciting, leaving behind teachers, classmates, and high school is a difficult process for many students. As the first two months of the 2022-2023 school year have passed, many seniors have begun wrapping up their final year of seasonal sports and activities.
Ryan Collado, who has been playing soccer since he was five years old, recalls how the sport has influenced him for the better.
“It’s shown me how important it is to work hard and how it can pay off. I’ve become more of a team player and learned to accept criticism to improve myself.”
Collado’s soccer journey concluded on October 27, and he does not plan on participating in soccer during college.
“It’s bittersweet because some of us knew this would be the end of our soccer career and we wouldn’t continue playing in college. But, we appreciate the experience and moments gained from the past 4 years of playing together.”
Sabina Tawadros, another student who does not plan on continuing her sport in college, recently ended her last Cross Country season after two years of running.
“Cross Country has taught me to never lose hope or give up,” Tawadros states. “It was mentally and physically challenging throughout the season, but it gave me the confidence to overcome these challenges and push myself past my limit.”
Tawadros admits that although she will miss her high school sport, she feels extremely proud of herself for pushing through and finishing the season.
Playing a sport can completely change someone’s perspective on life. Mohita Belwariar, who has completed her sixth year of playing tennis, believes that the sport has taught her the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship.
Belwariar explained, “Although tennis is a sport with individual matches, the collective efforts of the team really lead it to success.”
Belwariar reminisces on when her coach, Mr. Provenza, would tell the team that tennis heals. “He would always retell the story of the 90-year-old woman who recovered from cancer and still plays tennis at Kennedy Park.”
Overall, tennis has helped Belwariar relieve her own personal stress, and it has helped her grow not only physically, but also socially and mentally as well.
For some students, finishing their high school activity is only the beginning! Isabelle Diaz, for example, plans on participating in her future college’s band, and even considers learning a new instrument.
“Band has taught me that anything is possible,” Diaz exclaims. “Even learning a new instrument every year!”
Diaz has been playing in the band since she was in the 5th grade and views her fellow bandmates as family.
“It was easy to make friends in band because of how much time we spent practicing and how many years we’ve all been doing it together.”
Diaz advises others who are concluding their last year in a club or sport to cherish the memories they make during the season. “Don’t stress about the wins,” she suggests. “It’s not about the score, it’s about the memories, regardless of how successful the season is.”
Although graduating can seem frightening, it is important to remember that finishing high school introduces a world of wonderful opportunities! There are great things headed in the way of this year’s graduates, and it is important to look back on clubs and sports positively.
Good luck Class of 2023!