MIST season is here!


Zenia Khan and Muznah Aquil

It’s that time of year again! Ms. Conry, the head of the MSA Club, is preparing her students for the annual MIST competition.

The Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament (MIST) was first created in Houston, Texas in 2001 by a young women who believed that the Muslim youth needed a place where they could interact with their peers and learn more about their religion through different competitions.

Competitions range from knowledge quizzes to fashion designs to putting their writing skills to the test. Students are able to compete with other schools in NJ and are able to earn trophies and medals for their hard work. 

This competition is opened to both Muslim and non-Muslim students, anyone who wants to learn more about Islam. These students have been studying tirelessly for months and they are ready to crush their opponents! The competition is being held from March 7-8 at Rutgers University.