Substandard Sleep May Lead to a Stroke


Rushil Garre, Staff Writer

Proper sleep is vital for health. Not getting the correct amount of sleep at night can lead to numerous chronic health problems, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Recently, a new study has revealed that poor sleep is also tied to an increased risk of stroke. This includes sleeping for too little and too long. According to the researchers involved in the study, people who sleep for less than 5 hours per night are three times more likely to have a stroke compared to those who sleep for the standard 7 hours. Plus, people who sleep for more than 9 hours are two times more likely to have a stroke than those who sleep for normal hours.

Additionally, sleep apnea – which refers to pauses in breathing several times per hour – was discovered to be associated with a three times higher stroke risk.

The study found that napping for an hour or more and snoring were linked to an 88% and 91% higher stroke risk as well.

In order to prevent this increased stroke risk, experts say to stick to a regular and consistent sleep schedule, keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature, wear earplugs and an eye mask if needed, and avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening.